The Newsletter of the 6th Erin Mills Scout Troop | April 27, 1998 |
Drivers must be at the school on Friday evening no later than 5:30 PM. Maps to the drop off location for the hike into camp will be handed out at that time. Drivers for pickup are to be in the upper parking lot of Camp Goodyear at 2:00 PM and all Scouts will be driven to their homes sometime between 3:00 and 4:30 PM depending on how quickly we can get away.
Rock Climbing - May 4th, 1998
All participants are to be at the gym by 6:30 PM. Summit Rock Climbing Gym is located at 1224 Dundas Street East, Mississauga. This is on the south side of Dundas Street between Tomken Road and Dixie Road. The entrance is on the west side of the building behind the Goodwill store. Pickup at 8:30 PM.
Outdoor Meeting - May 11th, 1998
Meet in the parking lot of the school at the usual time. Among our games and activities will be some work for the Conservation Award.
Victoria Day - May 18th, 1998 - NO MEETING
May 25th, 1998 -
The Troop will meet in the school gym from 6:30 until 8:30 PM.Laserquest - June 1st, 1998
Through the Court of Honour, the Troop has asked to return to Laserquest at 1224 Dundas Street East (beside the Summit Rock Climbing Gym) again this year. We have tentatively booked in for a group rate on Monday June 1st. Gather at 6:30 PM to register by 6:45. Pick-up at 8:15 PM. To confirm this date we require that the attached form along with the $12.00 fee be returned no later than our meeting on May 4th.
----------------------[Detach and return lower portion----------------------------
Laserquest Permission Form
will be attending the Laserquest activity on June 1st. Enclosed is the $12.00 activity fee.
Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________ Date:_____________