The Newsletter of the 6th Erin Mills Scout Troop
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April 20th, 1998 |
April 27th, 1998 - Outdoor Meeting
Come dressed for an outdoor meeting. Games and activities, particularly working on the Camping and Exploring requirements. This meeting is ESSENTIAL for those going to camporee on May 1st.
May 4th, 1998 - Summit Rock Climbing Gym
As requested by the Court Of Honour, the Troop will be going climbing again this year. This event is for all members of the Troop, including those who have just come up from Cubs. Hopefully our Venturers will join us for the evening as well. For anyone who has not climbed before, this is a great, safe evening of physical activity. Climbers are given a basic introductory lesson and belayers (14 and over) work the ropes from the ground only after passing a course of instruction. Attached is the gym's waiver form. Part A - Helmet Waiver - is optional. Helmets are worn to protect the climber from falling rock; they are not designed to protect the head in case of a fall (there are no falling rocks in the gym). The remainder of the form must be completed IN FULL and returned to no later than Monday April 27th along with the fee of $13.00 per climber (no charge for adults who belay only). If you are interested in belaying, please indicate such on the back of the waiver form. We will try to ensure that the optimal number of belayers attend so as to avoid having parents just standing around (if you want to stand around and watch that's okay too). Any questions call Scouter Gary.
May 11th, 1998 - Outdoor Meeting
Come dressed to go outside no matter what the weather. WARNING - You May Get DIRTY!!!!!
Special Notice To Spring Camporee Participants
Only Scouter Dave and Scouter Gary will be attending this event. Scouter Dave will be transporting the Troop equipment and Scouter Gary will already be well on the way to Camp Goodyear when we gather at the school at 5:30 on Friday May 1st. Parents of those going to camp are asked to complete the below form and return it to our meeting on April 27th.
Spring Camporee Transportation Commitment
[ ] I can drive ______ (number of Scouts) on Friday evening to Camp Goodyear.
[ ] I can drive ______ (number of Scouts) home on Sunday afternoon.
NAME:_________________________________________ PHONE:____________________
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