The Newsletter of the 6th Erin Mills Scout Troop
March 30, 1998

Haliburton Camp Information Meeting - April 6th, 1998

Some of our families have expressed interest in our weeklong camping adventure for July but have some questions about what the week is all about. Everyone is invited to attend an information presentation at the start of our regular meeting on April 6th when we will discuss the camp, events, activities and other concerns.

Outdoor Meeting - April 13th, 1998

Schools are closed on this date for Easter Monday so the Troop will take this opportunity to spend some time outdoors. "How wide is that river?" "How tall is that tree?" "How do I know when I�ve traveled 100 metres?" At this meeting we�ll spend some time on these problems and other map and compass challenges. Make sure you bring your compass to this meeting for the orienteering game. We�ll also spend some time refining our cooking skills, trying out some recipes and getting ready for upcoming camps. Make sure you are dressed for the weather (in uniform) and meet us in Erindale Park in the parking lot near the footbridge to the barn at 4:30 on Monday April 13th so that we can take advantage of the light. Pick-up will be the same location at 7:30 PM. Complete and return the enclosed permission slip by April 6th so we know how much food to buy. Make sure to bring your mess kit, cup and weekly dues

Spring Camporee - May 1st to 3rd, 1998

This Regional Event is somewhat different from all other camps during the year. This competition camp gives every Scout the opportunity to strut their stuff while working with Scouts of their own Troop and competing against other Troops at the same level of experience. Our first year Scouts (normally 11-12 years old) are formed into our Bronze Patrol while our older members form our Silver and Gold Patrols.

On the Friday evening each level hikes into camp from a different starting point, carrying varying amounts of equipment and finishes at a different site at Camp Goodyear. The members of the Bronze Patrol carry only their personal gear; Silver carries personal gear and their tents; Gold must hike totally self contained. Once on site the three levels camp at different locations on our property and only with Scouts of equal age and experience. Each of these "hubs" is over-seen by a group of experienced adult Scout Leaders who, while not providing direct assistance, ensure that the Scouts practice good camping and that the site operates safely. Our own Troop Leaders camp a short distance away on their own site.

On the Saturday the Patrols move through a series of fun and skilled activities and during the weekend a panel of impartial judges will score each patrol on every aspect of the camp from the initial hike to site set-up, meal planning, cooking, site maintenance and hygiene as well as the activities. There is a trophy for the patrol with the highest total points at each level at the end of the weekend, however the important aspects of the weekend are to have fun, camp safely and practice camping skills.

Because of the nature of the camp the Troop Leaders will co-ordinate the planning of the transportation. We need parents to drive our Scouts to Camp Goodyear on Friday (leave the school at 5:30 PM) and return them on Sunday (pick-up at Goodyear at 2:00 PM). We need to leave for this camp a bit earlier than normal because there are three different drop-off points to be co-ordinated and each patrol must go through a check-in at the drop-off point. Also, it is important that our Scouts start hiking as soon as possible to take full advantage of the light and get the best camp site available (first come, first served).

Complete the attached Permission Form and return it with a cheque for $25.00 no later than our meeting on Monday April 6, 1998. Regional Registration must take place early in April to allow the event organizers sufficient lead time to obtain the materials required for each activity site for the total number of Scouts who will be participating.

Summit Rock Climbing Gym - May 4th, 1998

In response to specific requests from the Court of Honor we have booked the Summit Rock Climbing Gym from 6:30 to 8:30 on Monday May 4th. Scouts are welcome to stay until closing (10:00 PM) but the Leaders will only be on-site until about 8:30 PM. Some members of the Troop will be eligible to belay once that date arrives so, along with the Leaders, the number of parent helpers required will be reduced. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Scouter Dave on the rock at CJ�97

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